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пожалуйста помогите ответить на вопросы 1.Was your mum at work yesterday .

5-9 класс

Was your dad in Belarus yesterday ? Were you at school yesterday ? Were your parents tired yesterday ? Was it sunny yesterday ? Was your friend in the library yesterday ? Was your pet hungry yesterday 2. пожалуйста помогите вставить , am ,is,are,was , were . Today is Monday.Yesterday ________ Sunday. Today ______ cloudy .Yesterday ______sunny. This year I ______ 10. Last year I _______ 9. This year I _____ in Class 3A. Last year I _____ in Class 2A. This year I ______ 130 cm tall. Last year I _____ 127 cm tall. Steve and Maggie ______ in Britain now . Last week they ______ in Belarus . Whoozy and Lumpy __________ in Britain now. Last week they ______ in Whoozieland . 3.пожалуйста помогите обвести в кружок а или d чтобы было верно a I was tired yesterday . d I "m tired yesterday . a I am 9 years old . d I have 9 years old . a It"s the therteen of May .d It"s the thirteenth of May . a You wos happy . d You were happy. 4. помогите пожалуйста вставить was или were I _____ very happy . The cake ________ very big . My friends _______ noisy . My parents _____ tired . 5. помогите исправить предложения Im oldest than my brother. My birthday is on the twenty one of April. Today is my mum birthday. My mum happy today . Yesterday is the fifth of May. 6. February 23 rd - the twenty - third of February September 4th - May 1st - January 7th- March 2nd -

Cska2015600 26 июня 2013 г., 20:54:46 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
26 июня 2013 г., 23:36:01 (10 лет назад)

Yes , she was. No , he wasn't. No ,I was not. No, they were not. Yes ,it was.Yes ,he was .No,it wasn"t.


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перевод текстов плиз срочно
I. Откройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной вре менной форме. 1. The boy (to refuse)__________to admit that he (to break)______________the

window. So he (to send)_________________home to bring his parents to school. 2. Look, it (to get)____________late. I (to miss)____________the ten o'clock train if I (not to hurry)_______________Jack said he (to come)_______________to pick me up. I don't know why he (not to appear) _________________ yet. Perhaps he (to get) _______________into the traffic jam. 3. Yesterday Tom and Janice (to go)______to the zoo. They had an adventure there. While they (to walk)_______________by the giraffe, it (to begin)________to chew Janice's hat.

переведите! it's mia. whats yours?

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Очень нужно!!!!пожалуйста помогитеОчень нужно!!!!пожалуйста помогите ответить на вопросы:

1. What did you usually do helping your parents?
2. What did you do at home yesterday?
3. what is you fevarite dish?
4. What relatives have you got?
5. What can you say about your famili?

Correct the mistakes.1. At the party we dance and played games.

2. Was your mum at work yesterday? - Yes, she is.

СРОЧНО!! ПОМОГИТЕ!! ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!! УМОЛЯЮЮЮ!!! Переведите пожалуйста, и ответье на вопросы!! Rob's story Part 2 What's the matter with you? The next day

I opened my eyes and saw the soldier. He was in bed and his face was very pale. He had a very bad cough too. "What's the matter with you?" I asked, "Have you got a cold?" "I don't know," said the soldier, "but I have a headache and a sore thoat." I wanted to call the doctor and tried to open the door but I couldn't. I looked out of the window and couldn't belive my eyes. All the people from our house were in the street. They closed the door to the house. "Please help us! The soldier is ill," I cried. "If you go out, you'll kill us. It's the plague," they answered and ran away. At they moment I understood everything. I wasn't in Russia, and it wasn't a game. But how did I get to the Edinburgh of hundreds of years ago? Was I mag? Was it a bad dream? I didn't know the answer. I looked at the soldier. He was real. I touched his forehead. His temperature was high - that was real too. " If I don't help him, he'll die. And I'll die too," I thought and opened my rucksack. There were a lot of medicines in my rucksack. I had an aspirin, some nose drops and some cough syrup. I gave my medicine to the soldier. " If you don't have the plague, my medicine will help you. You must stay in bed and drink a lot of water, " I said to him. Two days later the soldier was better. It wasn't the plague. It was flu. But when I told him about it, he didn,t believe me. "You have some secret medicine and you can cure any disease," he said. " I must go back to London tomorrow. If you come with me, I'll do anything for you." The soldier and I went to London. His name was Phillip and he wasn't a bad man. The road to London was long and difficult, but finally we got there. Вопросы переведите и ответье на ни, пожалуйста!! Умоляю)) 1) How did the soldier look in the morning? 2) Why were the people scared? 3) What did Rob understand? 4) What happened to the soldier? 5) How did Rob help him? 6) Did the soldier die?

СРОЧНО!! ПОМОГИТЕ!! ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!! УМОЛЯЮЮЮ!!! Переведите пожалуйста, и ответье на вопросы!! Rob's story Part 2 What's the matter with you? The next day I

opened my eyes and saw the soldier. He was in bed and his face was very pale. He had a very bad cough too. "What's the matter with you?" I asked, "Have you got a cold?" "I don't know," said the soldier, "but I have a headache and a sore thoat." I wanted to call the doctor and tried to open the door but I couldn't. I looked out of the window and couldn't belive my eyes. All the people from our house were in the street. They closed the door to the house. "Please help us! The soldier is ill," I cried. "If you go out, you'll kill us. It's the plague," they answered and ran away. At they moment I understood everything. I wasn't in Russia, and it wasn't a game. But how did I get to the Edinburgh of hundreds of years ago? Was I mag? Was it a bad dream? I didn't know the answer. I looked at the soldier. He was real. I touched his forehead. His temperature was high - that was real too. " If I don't help him, he'll die. And I'll die too," I thought and opened my rucksack. There were a lot of medicines in my rucksack. I had an aspirin, some nose drops and some cough syrup. I gave my medicine to the soldier. " If you don't have the plague, my medicine will help you. You must stay in bed and drink a lot of water, " I said to him. Two days later the soldier was better. It wasn't the plague. It was flu. But when I told him about it, he didn,t believe me. "You have some secret medicine and you can cure any disease," he said. " I must go back to London tomorrow. If you come with me, I'll do anything for you." The soldier and I went to London. His name was Phillip and he wasn't a bad man. The road to London was long and difficult, but finally we got there. Вопросы переведите и ответье на ни, пожалуйста!! Умоляю)) 1) How did the soldier look in the morning? 2) Why were the people scared? 3) What did Rob understand? 4) What happened to the soldier? 5) How did Rob help him? 6) Did the soldier die?

Англичане помогите пожалуйста... нужно составить текст ответив на вопросы о фильме.

Think of a film you have seen recently. Answer the questions, then write a short film review of it. Use the texts in Ex. 2 as a model (30-40 words).
• What is the name/type of the film?
• Who directed it? • Who stars in it?
• What is the film about?
• What do you think of the film?

Думайте о фильме, который Вы недавно видели. Ответьте на вопросы, затем напишите обзор короткометражного фильма его. Используйте тексты в Напр. 2 как модель (30-40 слов).
• Каково имя/тип фильма?
• Кто направил его?• Кто играет главную роль в нем?
• О чем фильм?
• Что Вы думаете о фильме?

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