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1 If Brian ........(leave) now, he won't miss his flight.

5-9 класс

2 If I were you, I........ (not/talk) to him again.
3 If I had gone with them, I..............(have) a great time.
4 The plane............(not/take off) unless it stops snowing.

Раскрыть скобки и вставить в правильной форме слово

Viktoriyabobro 24 февр. 2015 г., 0:09:56 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
24 февр. 2015 г., 2:21:19 (9 лет назад)

1 leaves
2 wouldn't talk
3 would have had
4 won't take off


Другие вопросы из категории

Write guestions for the sentences.

1.All cars will have computers in 30 years time.
2.Maybe itll be cold ne[t week.
3.I think they wont have good weather next month.
4.She will tell you the answer later.
5.I think youll meet him in two weeks.
6. Thell be friends in the future.
7.Well ask him about it tomorrow.
8.Perhaps shell see him again soon.

Народ помогите сделать ДЗ по Энглишу. Вообщем нужно написать проблему в семье и советы как с проблемой справится. Можно на русском я переведу сам, но

нужно 1 проблема и 5 советов. ПС в голову ни чё не лезет.... Ну не твроческая я личность.

Читайте также

1.He (go)to the mounthins every year.Next year he(go) THERE WITH HIS PARENTS.2.My cat (play) now.It (like) to play hide and seek with me.

3.Еhere usually (wear)nice clothes at the parties.last partythey (wear)new red dresses and they(look)great.
4.Last year I(visit) my Granny.She (be)happy to see me.Next year I (go)there again.
5. I( not go)to shool tomorrow,because I (be) ill.
6.I(not see) my friend yesterday.He (not go) for a walk but but now he (play ) tennis in the park.
7.... they pupils? yes they(..) pupils.They (go)to shool.
8.Where(...) she (work)?She (work) in the hospital.She(...)a doctor.
9.My aut (not work) at shool.She(...)not a teacher.

Choose the correct form of the verbs.

1) If we leave / will leave now, we don't miss / won't miss the start of the film.
2) Dad is / will be angry if i get / will get home late.
3) Are you / will you be upset if you don't see / won't see your favorites TV programme this evening ?
4) IF it rains / will rain tomorrow, we don't play / won't play tennis.
5) Mum isn't / won't be pleased if i don't pass / won't pass my exam.
6) If you walk / will walk down this street, you see / will see the park on your left.
7) If you get up / will get up late tomorrow, do you have / will you have breakfast?
8) Our teacher is / will be very happy, if we do / will do this exercise well.

Пример: He did not cut his hair himself.->He had it cut. 1)I won not fix the car myself.I... 2)They did not repair the fence


3)She is not making the dress herself.She...

4)They are not going to paint the house themselves.They..

5)They do not develop their film themselves.They...

6)She did not clean her jacket herself.She...

7)He won not clean the hose himself.He....

Read the situations,then rewrite the information using the causative form.Пример:Someone is going to clean our windows tomorrow.What are we going to do?->We are going to have our windows cleaned.

1)The dentist pulled out one of Michael is teeth yesterday.What did Michael do?

2)The garage serviced her car for her.What did she do?

3)Someone is installing a burglar alarm in Sue is house.What is Sue doing?

4)They can send the information to you by email.What can you do?

5)Eric is wallet was stolen yesterday while he was doing the shopping.What happened to him?

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1)Dad...(it /repair)at the hardware store yesterday.

2)You really should ....(it/examine) by a doctor ? you know.

3)She .....(her nails/do)at the beauty salon at the moment.

4)I .........(never/my ears/pierce).

5)I ...(dry-clean) this afternoon.

помогите пожалуйста с заданиями Задание 1. Выбирете правильное местоимение 1. Nick is (our, we) monitor. 2. Now he is sitting behind (I, me). 3. (He,

him) is my friend. 4. (Our, us) students like (him, her) very much. 5. (This, those) text is difficult. 6. There is a book (anything, somewhere) on the shelf. 7. Do you give your books to (somebody, everybody)? Задание 2. а) поставьте прилагательное в скобках в нужную степень сравнения. 1. This summer is (hot) than last summer. 2. This student knows English (bad) than his friends. 3. Henry is (tall) of all. 4. That article is (interesting) that this one. 5. He swims (good) than his friends. б) переведите следующие предложения 1. The report of this scientist is the most interesting at the conference. 2. The girls speaks English better than that young man. 3. Cars move more slowly in the center of the city. 4. The rivers in European part are not so long as in Siberia. Задание 3. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на оборот there be. 1. Is there a nice park near your house? 2. There are many people in our country who study and work at the same time. 3. There is no meeting at the institute today. 4. There are not many cold days in early autumn. 5. There are different methods of learning new words. Задание 4. Переведите предложения, содержащие модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты. 1. Who can translate this sentence? 2. I hope they will be able to take a taxi. 3. We were to meet at the station at six. 4. You must read the text again. 5. May I read this book? – I think that you may. Задание 5. а) поставьте глагол в скобках в нужное время. 1. The child always (to wash) his hands before lesson. 2. This student (to answer) well at the last lesson. 3. They (to discuss)the plans of the next year now. 4. Here you are at last! I (to wait) for you twenty minutes. 5. He (to ring) for an hour at least before she opened the door. б) переведите предложения, обращая внимание на время сказуемого. 1. What are you doing mow? 2. I am translating the article. 3. How much have you translated already? 4. I have translated a half of it. 5. How long have you been translating it? I have been translating this article for 2 hours already. Задание 6. Переведите предложения (Passive voice). 1. We were shown the collection of pictures of a famous artist. 2. I can’t hear what question is being discussed now. 3. The document has been signed by the president of the company. 4. Plastics are used instead of metals in many cases. 5. The first manned spaceship was launched in Russia in 1961

Раскройте скобки

1. While i (run) the man stopped me and asked the time.
2. I (go) to study for a test tonight.
3. There is no (cause, reason) to suppose he will forget.
4. Mike (eat) his pizza before i got home.
5. If i were you i (go) to the party/
6. You will catch the bus if you (leave) now.
7. Many (to go) to my school, but now she doesn't.

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