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5-9 класс

in the middle ages in europe the watermills and windmills, brought a revolution to the production of power. The new technologies anabled people to construct wondeful cathedrals - the best example of Gothic architecture. During the 14 century guns appeared in europe.
From the 15 to the 17 century the period of Renaissanse spread in New World was discovered and explored.The printed books helped the development of European cultural life.The Renaissanse saw a new interest in technology, and the new technology led to new problem. One problem was that shipbuilding and iron industry needed a lot of wood and Europe soon lost its forests. Another problems was the need in more powerful engines.

T9p 21 апр. 2014 г., 15:43:33 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
21 апр. 2014 г., 18:38:24 (10 лет назад)

в средние века в Европе водяные и ветряные мельницы , принес революцию в производстве энергии. Новые технологии anabled людей по строительству Wondeful соборы - лучший пример готической архитектуры. За 14 века орудий появились в Европе .От 15 до 17 века период Ренессанс распространения в Новом Свете было обнаружено и explored.The печатные книги помогли развитию европейского культурного life.The Ренессанс увидел новый интерес к технологии , и новая технология привели к новой проблеме . Одна из проблем в том, что судостроение и черная металлургия требовалось много древесины и Европа вскоре потерял свои леса . Другая проблема заключается в необходимости в более мощных двигателей .18 век в Европе было время Промышленной революции , время, когда технологииразвивалась очень fast.In 1712 Томас Ньюкомена , англичанин , изобрел паровой engine.In1760, Джеймс Уатт улучшили двигатель Ньюкомена , которая открыла путь к построению пароход и локомотивов в начале 19 века.Промышленная революция породила инженерной профессии . Все больше и больше университетов начали подготовку инженеров .В течение 19 и 20 веков народов жизни сильно изменились благодаря науке и технике. Достижения в области транспорта , comemunications и использования энергии оказали большое влияние на современное общество. Медицинские знания дал людям дольше и более здоровой жизнью . Компьютеры дают нам новые возможности на работе и дома. Теперь люди имеют более высокий уровень жизни и многое другое свободное время .С другой стороны , многие люди могут возразить, что такие великие технологические достижения не приходит без цены . Новая технология привела к созданию оружия массового уничтожения , новая коммуникационных технологий и распространения информации принесли с собой меньше частной жизни , великий использование и злоупотребление природных ресурсов в настоящее время нанесения вреда окружающей среде ,большая интенсивность человеческой жизни приводит к стрессам и марок нас усомниться в себе преимущества высоких технологий.

+ 0 -
21 апр. 2014 г., 20:58:13 (10 лет назад)

в середине века  в Европе водяные и ветряные мельницы, произвели революцию в производстве энергии. Новые технологии позволили людям построить прекрасные соборы - лучший пример готической архитектуры. Во время(в продолжении) 14 века появились орудия в Европе.


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нужен перевод My favorite food My favorite food is Pizza. Pizza in my life is very important element and I really want to eat it.

Sometimes I think that's look very happy for me, for my future life. Because in the future I want see the beg great pizza. That all time this is my pleasure. This food very important for me. Maybe this is very madly. But everyone person want to be better(this is just my opinion)


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A Fair to go Cuckoo About

We moved to the countryside to enjoy
life at a slower pace, but from the moment Susan took up pottery my
quiet life seemed to drift out of control. Suddenly, the house was full
of empty vases and unused dishes, each one requiring my seal of approval
before being put in place on newly-built shelves. Although I
appreciated the fact that my wife had discovered a hidden talent, it was
becoming increasingly obvious that we had to find some use for her
creations before we ran out of space completely. Susan's brightly
coloured ceramic plates and dishes made ideal gifts, but birthdays and
special occasions didnt come around often enough to save us, so I was
delighted when she suggested renting a stall at a local craft fair.

live a few miles from the village of Downton, near Salisbury in
Wiltshire. It's a lovely, quiet village on the River Avon that's full of
strange customs and old traditions, such as the Cuckoo Fair at the
beginning of spring. Since the 16th century, people have been coming
from miles around to marvel at this medieval festival. These days,
around 20,000 people enjoy live entertainment from brass bands, street
performers and Morris dancers. For those of us who were brought up in
the city it seems like a lot of quaint countryside fun, but the fair
also has about 250 stalls selling handmade crafts and local produce, and
that's why Susan and I set off for Downton in the early hours of the

Even at 6 am, Downton was a hive of activity. As the sun
crept across the village, our fellow stall holders were laying out
their wares on stalls that lined Downton's main street just as they'd
done hundreds of years ago. However, this was an entirely new experience
for Susan and she was strangely silent as she arranged and rearranged
her display. For Susan, this was far more than an opportunity to make
some money from surplus handicrafts. She was like an artist preparing
for her first public exhibition and her critics would have to show their
approval by parting with some cash if the day was going to end well.

a crowd slowly formed, the homemade honey on the stall next to ours
seemed to be selling well. The old couple who'd produced this tempting
treat offered Susan a supportive smile, but by mid-morning we were still
waiting to make our first sale.

A few potential customers
hesitantly asked about the prices, but most were too distracted by the
hustle and bustle to make a purchase. I confess that my own attention
had started to wander when I suddenly heard the wild, enthusiastic
shrieks of a delighted American tourist. I turned to find a group of
elderly ladies gazing at Susan's display as though they had just
discovered buried treasure. They were generous in their praise and eager
to hand over their money for as many bargains as they could carry. The
attention drew in yet more customers and we were soon struggling to

By the early afternoon, we had nothing left to sell and we
were finally free to explore the rest of the Cuckoo Fair. The children
dancing around the Maypole looked adorable as they weaved around each
other in their bright costumes. Then we followed a street procession to
the crowning of the Cuckoo Princess. Although I cant say either of us
fully understood the significance of this ancient ceremony, we both
applauded. We wanted to prolong the fun, but it was time to go. As I
drove home with my own cuckoo princess asleep in the passenger seat, I
wondered whether this would be a regular feature of our quiet country
life. For all the satisfaction the day had brought, I certainly hoped

Срочно нужен правильный перевод:

be safe on the road!
1)when you cross the street on foot
Look for a zebra crossing or a traffic lights crossing. Don't cross between parked cars. Stop before you walk onto the road. Stand on the pavement near the kerb. Listen and look both ways for traffic. Make sure it's clear and walk straight across the road. Don't run.
2)when you ride your bike
Make sure your bike is in good working condition. Check your brakes and tyres regularly. Wear a bicycle helmet. Ride with the flow of traffic, not against it. Use bike lanes. Wear bright clothes in daytime. Never carry a second person on your bike.
3)when you travel on a bus
Stand well back until the bus has stopped completely. Don't push others when you enter the bus. Sit down on your seat quietly and quickly. If there aren't free seats, use handgrips. Don't talk to the driver or annoy others on the bus. Don't lean out of the window. Don't wave from the window.
4)when you travel in a car
Always sit in the back seat if you are under twelve years old. Wear a seat belt. Don't block the rear view mirror. Don't play with the car door handles.
Always use the door on the pavement side to get out of the car.
ВОТ ТОЛЬКО НЕ НАДО ПО ПЕРЕВОДЧИКАМ!!!!Я проверю на всех переводчиках,Которые найду.хотя бы по одному тексту,буду благодарна

Срочно нужен перевод 6 класс!!!!!!

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