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Сделать предложения в passive voice.Как можно быстрее.

10-11 класс

1)i will never forget such things
2)they used the Tower of London as a prison in the past
3)The workers had built the house by Victoey Day.
4)The students are making good progress.
5)society can solve the problems of ecology.
Если можно быстрее помогите пожалуйстаАааа!

Mascha739 13 окт. 2014 г., 18:12:39 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
13 окт. 2014 г., 19:36:26 (9 лет назад)

1) such things will never be forgotten by me
2)the Tower of London was used as a prison in the past by them
3) the house had been built by the workers by Victory Day.
4) good progress is being made by the students
5) the problems of ecology can be solved by society


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Career success depends not only on the successful combination of circumstances, but also on personal qualities . So what are the personal qualities contribute to a successful career ?Ability to think outside the box . Often, the standard thinking, devoid of creativity and fresh ideas, is becoming a major obstacle to a successful career.Lack of such traits in a person, as responsibility prevents a successful career. And if the sense of responsibility will be supported initiative, interest and creative thinking - the road to a successful career can be several times shorter.Can not be static in its development. Human life requires a constant search for knowledge and development of new fields of activity.Anyone who aspires to a successful career, never passes his attention detail. Awareness and ability to understand the nuances of the finest is a sign of a true professional .Be open to helping other people . You can make an invaluable contribution to your future success by spending a few minutes to help a colleague .Personal qualities that help people build a career, very, very much . Business life requires individuals practicality of rationality in behavior and actions . It is important to know how to manage their time, energy - and then successful career not long to wait .

решите задачу Two soldiers were on duty. The first soldier faced up the road to watch for enemies approaching from the North and the oth

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Двое солдат были на дежурстве. Первый солдат грозило до дороги, чтобы наблюдать за врагами приближается с севера, а другой смотрел вниз по дороге, чтобы если кто-то подошел с юга. Вдруг один из них сказал: "Почему ты улыбаешься?" / как знал, что его компаньон улыбался?)

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Помогите пожалуйста, очень срочно с утра зачет по Английскому.

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1. Перевести предложение
2.Подчеркнуть подлежащие и сказуемое
3.Определить в каком времени сказуемое
4.Сделать предложение в отрицательной форме
5.Составить 5 вопросов к предложению

Если можно как можно быстрее, очень буду благодарен!

Поставить предложения в Passive Voice.

I) Transfer sentences in activie voice into passive.

1) We shall finish this work in time.
2) Helen washed the plates in the morning.
3) They teach three foreign languages at school.
4) He has interrupted me.
5) They are translating the article now.

помогите сделать номер задание очень маленькое.Решите по скорей.

Ask questions in response to these :
пример : Susan is listening to musik.-What is Susan listening to ?
1) Timothy is going to school by bus.---How...................................?
2) My parents are discussing the TV programme.---What.....................?
3) Our teacher is telling us a funny story.Who......................?
4) Tom and Jerry are flying to Britain.Where..................?
помогите пожалуйста как можно быстрей.

помогите пожалуйста))) кто сделает балы перешлю)

Упр. 272. Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice.

1.They did not invite her to the party. 2. I did not leave the window
open. 3. They did not turn off the light. 4. I have invited some friends
to tea 5. She has given me an English book. 6. Have you written the
letter yet? 7. They have told us a lot о S interesting things. 8. The
students have written the test-paper without mistakes. 9. The children
have scattered about a lot of things. 10. The girl has put all the books
into the bookcase. 11. Snov, will cover the fields in winter. 12. They
will hand in the homework tomorrow. 13. I don't think we shall finish
all the preparations today. 14. She al ways invites me to her dinner
parties. 15. Shot showed me the dress which her daughter had made
16. We discussed the matter some days ago.

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